
I'd like to ask for your advice on a rather specific problem which is related to the non-conventional use of bedpostx and probtrackx. Nevertheless I am using it in a conventional way, this is just a thought experiment.

Given that we are not interested in the individual subjects' fdt_paths and their variability, just want to get an averaged result of tractographies of a population of N, is it possible to standardize and average the bedpostx directory contents and run a single tractography on the population indstead of running N? All diffusion sets (based on FA) were FNIRted to mni152 space.
I guess for 3D data it is possible with applywarp, for dyads using vecreg, but is there a workaround for the merged_ .. images? And is it possible to average them over a population?

If anyone besides me ever wondered how the averaged principal vector orientation map of 180 brains would look like, look at this image (FNIRTed to mni152, resampled to 0.5mm and averaged). Just for fun.

