Dear Colleagues,


Blatant advertising I know but thought you might be interested in the following event...


NASES Annual Conference          11-12 June 2011, Birmingham

The changing future of student employability- making employment count!


This 2 day conference in central Birmingham is a fantastic event packed full of essential student employment information; with key note speakers, workshops, a wide range of Job Shop Case study sessions, the SEOTY Summer Celebration Awards Evening, lots of networking opportunities and an exhibition area. Early bird booking discount expires on 1st June so be quick to book your place soon.


The full conference programme is available on the website, but see below for some of the highlights:


Ÿ Job seeking in the digital age - Lord Knight of Weymouth Ÿ Setting up an internal agency service for on-campus jobs Ÿ International Student Regulations - Sarah Rimmington, UKCISA Ÿ “How many Jobs did our JobShop Fill?” – Monitoring issues & how to resolve them Ÿ Creating an employer engagement strategy and making every university recruitment service count! Ÿ “Does my part-time job count?” Recognising development through Skills Awards Ÿ NUS Student Lifestyle Report - Ed Marsh, NUS Ÿ Designing and Delivering Successful Workshops Ÿ Working with Trade Unions - Carl Roper, TUC Ÿ Creating the future – mentoring & business engagement Ÿ Work Experience Research - Jane Artess, HECSU ŸHow employable are we making our disabled students? ŸOlympic opportunities - Gareth Smith, Podium ŸNew Agency Worker Regulations - how are we dealing with it...Ÿ Employer Panel Ÿ





Alison Clark, NASES Director
National Association of Student Employment Services
Careers, University of Liverpool
150 Mount Pleasant
L69 6GD
Tel: 0151 794 4629
Fax: 0151 794 5871
email: [log in to unmask]
Please note that I work on a part time basis - Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.