

Folks .


Check out the Govt's Sustainable Development Commission's terminal statement


Quite something that this should have happened. I have heard it said that
they - especially after the brilliant Prosperity Without Growth report -
were upsetting people intent on growth. Could such a thing be true, I


Apropos where Govt stands on evading/massaging its carbon targets by export
to China, see Monbiot's latest at:  

Monbiot's getting huge stick just now because of his changed position on
nuclear. Whatever one thinks of his views, I have to say that I have yet to
see the stick that can equal his integrity.


Lastly, 100+ people dead in the Deep South from the twister yesterday.
Hundreds more a couple of weeks ago. Vast areas under water. Yet here, where
April was the hottest ever recorded, it is treated as a minor news item:
nobody any more seems to be mentioning "climate change" any more. 


The madcap fundamentalists said the world was going to end last week. Always
a joy for the Dawkins squad to find a case study of "Christians" acting
bonkers. It was fascinating to see how the story went viral, initially on
the web and then in the mainstream news media. It seemed to me like one of
those tribal rituals where the real fear is fended off, is held in a way
that seems containable, by putting on a wee pretendy ritual: and, lo and
behold, it's all OK after all. We don't need worry about devastation
scenarios because they're all a hoax anyway, except in the US Deep South
where it doesn't matter because they're all black, or poor white trash
descended from the Irish.  Ethologists call it displacement activity. I'll
call it displacement reporting.  


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