

Hello Kendall,
On May 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM, Kendall Nettles wrote:

> Checking CCP4 & ARP/wARP installation - 
> One of the variables $CBIN, $CCP4_SCR or $BINSORT_SCR is not defined
> Please check your CCP4 installation
> Please check your ARP/wARP and CCP4 installation

This error appears if you haven't sourced a CCP4 setup script for whatever shell you are running. For instance if you run csh, you should add the following line to your .cshrc:

source /Applications/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/ccp4.setup-csh

Or if you run sh or bash:

source /Applications/ccp4-6.1.13/bin/ccp4.setup-sh

Once you have installed ARP/wARP please also source an appropriate ARP/wARP setup script as suggested by the installer. We are aware that this isn't user friendly if you have installed CCP4 from a dmg file and we've made changes to minimise this type of problem in future versions of ARP/wARP.

Best of luck with your research.
Saul Hazledine