Over the following three weekends (May 20 to June 5) my Norwich studio is open to visitors 10am to 5pm as part of the Norfolk & Norwich Festival Open Studios and is situated close to the city centre - Studio 15B, Fitt Signs + Graphics factory, 60-62 Pitt Street, Norwich NR2 3AD.
I am launching my 'Out of the Machine' visuals, objects and texts in boxes - over 400 pocket sized boxes created in the last three months.
Each box is original in every respect. I suspect it is the poet's nightmare because each text is a one-off too!
Though my interventions in each box are 'original,' they hinge around the salvaged, recycled and found materials I use - the debris from 'house clearance.' House clearance happens for three reasons usually: death, divorce and financial disaster - the 3D's. Some of this, life's recent history and personal drama, is reflected in my work.
However, humour is abundant!
I'm beginning to 'blog' this exhibition at www.mallin.blogspot.com
All best wishes, Rupert Mallin