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Dear all,

Below is a call for papers for a panel that I'm convening on "Southeast Asian environmentalisms" at the forthcoming Association of Southeast Asian Studies UK Conference in Cambridge (9-11 September 2011; see Abstracts won't be required till 30 June, but early expressions of interest would be very helpful!

Best wishes,

     "Southeast Asian environmentalisms: frameworks, discourses and networks"

In recent decades, Southeast Asia has become a focal point for worldwide environmentalist discourses and campaigns. Like other ecological ‘hotspots’, it is widely portrayed as a region filled with endangered species, illegally-traded wildlife, disappearing rainforests and coral reefs, and acres of oil palm plantations. Mounting global awareness of these issues has accordingly given rise to numerous wildlife conservation and rehabilitation campaigns, rainforest-protection efforts, sustainability agreements, awareness-raising websites and consumer boycotts of palm oil-based products, among other things.

This panel welcomes contributions which explore the many, varied manifestations of environmentalism (in its broadest sense) throughout Southeast Asia. This might include anything from the science and symbols deployed by UK-based wildlife-protection initiatives to the social ramifications of participation in environmentalist and conservation causes by Southeast Asians themselves. Rather than viewing ‘environmentalism’ as a singular, distinctly ‘Western’ phenomenon, contributors are invited to treat it as a site of interaction, transformation and contestation in which both Southeast Asians and non-Southeast Asians are implicated. In this respect, our interest is in environmentalism/s/ as they have emerged in and around the region.

Proposals for papers should be sent to Liana Chua [log in to unmask] by 30 June 2011.

Dr L.C.L. Chua
Research Fellow in Social Anthropology
Director of Studies in Archaeology&  Anthropology
Gonville and Caius College
Cambridge CB2 1TA
United Kingdom
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