

Hi to All,

I ran an fsl VBM analysis in order to bolster my cortical thickness analysis. Uncorrected (tfce-p-tstat file), I see clusters in roughly the same area as in the CT analysis. I'd now like to extract all the relevant information about those clusters, which I understand I need to do using "cluster" and have 2 questions.
1: is there a rule of thumb as to how many voxels one reports for an uncorrected p, say 300 and up or sth like this?
2: apparently, the coordinates I get are in aligned anatomical space, since that is what it says when I open the relevant contrast in fslview. How to I get MNI or Talairach coordinates then? and , related, how do i get a mean percentage about the structure the cluster is located in, since that is changing when clicking around in a given cluster within fslview?

