

The School of Arts and Social Sciences at Northumbria University is offering a number of PhD studentships in Linguistics, to commence in October 2011. These postgraduate Research studentships have been designed to provide students with high quality supervision from experts in their field and involvement in the vibrant research culture within the Department. 

Successful applicants will receive 
· A full fee waiver (home and EU students only)
· A bursary of up to £13,590 per annum 
· A 30-hour teaching preparation course involving teaching practice and shadowing of experienced staff 
· A dedicated work station within a good quality working environment 
· Access to funds to support research expenses (conferences or archive visits) 

Who we are looking for 
We are looking to recruit candidates of the highest quality with the capability of submitting excellent theses within the standard PhD duration of 3 years. You will need to demonstrate a strong performance in your first degree (probably a first) as well as a good MA qualification. We will, however, consider candidates straight from undergraduate degrees where there is evidence of exceptional academic ability. Prospective candidates from overseas should contact us concerning entry requirements (at [log in to unmask] ). 

We are recruiting to the following areas: 
1. Language Learning and Teaching (Ref: ECW4) 
This includes both first and second language learning, especially the later stages of development and the acquisition of academic literacy in the first or second language; language teaching and assessment; individual differences in acquisition and ultimate attainment; classroom centred research; teacher education and development; and the socio-political context of TESOL. 
2. Language Attitudes/Folklinguistics (Ref: ECW5) 
The study of language attitudes is a key dimension in the building of sociolinguistic theory. Joining a team of established and active researchers in folklinguistics, applications involving innovative techniques measuring attitudes towards language variation amongst first language and/or second language users are particularly welcomed. 
3. (Critical) Discourse Analysis and Stylistics (Ref: ECW6) 
Discourse analysis is a vibrant and interdisciplinary field that explores varied types of discourse with differing research frameworks. We welcome applications from candidates interested in working on discourse in any of the following areas: 1) critical discourse analysis; 2) stylistics; 3) metaphor and metonymy; 4) feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis; and 5) cognitive approaches to discourse. 
4. Empirical Linguistics (Ref: ECW7) 
This project will involve an empirical investigation of some aspect of speakers' lexical or grammatical knowledge using either corpus or experimental methods, or a combination of both. The precise topic will be negotiated with the supervisor, but should involve an empirical test of a specific linguistic theory or hypothesis. We particularly welcome applications in the following areas: first or second language learning, sociolinguistics or the psychology of language. 

An application form is available from and should be submitted to Scott Burdon at [log in to unmask]
Informal enquiries are welcome - for further details please contact Professor Ewa Dabrowska, [log in to unmask] 
Deadline for applications is Friday 29th April 2011 
Interviews will be held week commencing 23rd May 2011