

Some here may be interested in this...

> Extended Call for Papers:
> Special Issue on Foucault and International Law
> One of the highlights of LJIL volume 25 will be the special issue on Foucault and
> International Law. This special issue will explore the relevance of Foucault's thought
> to international law and legal theory. Foucault's work continues to provide fertile
> suggestions for rethinking many of our established notions of law, right(s), sovereignty
> and legal subjectivity. Following a call for papers, selected authors have been invited to
> contribute to the special issue.
> Unsolicited papers will also still be considered. Potential contributors are encouraged to
> contact either of the (guest) editors to discuss their proposals [log in to unmask]
> or [log in to unmask] by 6 May with a view to submitting papers by 1 October

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