

Hi, Malcolm,

Yes, my data is in a FITS file. So I fist use FITS2NDF convert it to NDF file, then use FINDCLUMPS to find clumps and get an output
NDF file. I then convert it to FITS file with NDF2FITS.

As you said, there are some HISTORY and also TAB in original FITS file.

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,

2011/4/28 Malcolm J. Currie <[log in to unmask]>

We could do with a little more information about the command you used...

My guess is that you are using on-the-fly format conversion turning an NDF into a FITS file.  The NDF has an `airlock' of FITS-like headers usually a record of the original headers, but they can be modified to reflect processing history.  On export to a FITS file these airlock headers are merged with NDF information, such as HISTORY, to form the headers in the FITS file.  Now it looks like one of these headers has a TAB character that's not permitted by the FITS standard, thus you see these warnings.

It is possible to see the original NDF please?  Did you provide the HISTORY headers or were these in the original data or generated by CUPID?



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