

*Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues,
Bellow, please find the latest news from Vitae.
Best wishes,
News for staff supporting researchers
The RCUK Delivery Plan 2011/12-2014/15 was published today. Over the coming months, the Research Councils, with other stakeholders, will consider the medium to longer-term requirements for researcher development and their role(s) in supporting this.
Find out more...

Equality and diversity - Every researcher counts
We are pleased to announce that joining HEFCE in its initiative to improve equality and diversity in researcher careers in HEIs are the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland (DELNI). The involvement of all the funding bodies in this project underlines the importance of equality and diversity and support for Concordat throughout UK.
Events relating to the project are running at the following locations:
To attend these events please sign up via the website. To find out more about the project and to become and equality and diversity champion please visit the project webpages:

Only a week left till the launch of the following resources to support the implementation of the Researcher Development Framework.
By the 21 April you will be able to access the following online:

New improved Database of Practice launches second week May
 In response to feedback from our stakeholders, we have revisited the Database of Practice (DoP) to make it more user friendly for those wishing to contribute profiles of good practice and those searching for examples of good practice.
The focus has been on improving the overall performance of the database - decreasingloading times, improving the search functionality and introducing some improved ways of exploring practices. The new versionwill be searchable by and incorporate the Impact Framework and Researcher Development Framework. It will also have an auto-save function for adding and editing practices.
Look out for the relaunch of the DoP scheduled for week commencing 9 May 2011!

News for researchers
'What's up doc?' is a new blog which provides a forum for postgraduate researchers to share experience, give information and tips on matters relevant to them in a fun, yet informed way.
As part of the launch we will run a free blog training day in Birmingham on 12 May. Apart from learning what makes a good blog post, we will also explore how to increase your online profile. To apply:
We will select applicants based on this and reimburse reasonable travel expenses. Places are limited.

EVENT! Places still available on the next
National GRADschool 14-17 June !
Audience: postgraduate researchers
Location: Bournemouth 
The course is 3 days long and open to 80 postgraduate researchers. Do not miss out!

We have launched a new exciting webpage on public engagement. You can now join an online disussion on public engagement, listen to podcasts from the engaging researcher workshop and find out more about ways of getting involved.

The Collaborative Researcher programme has recently been piloted in Nottingham, with 35 participants representing both postgraduate researchers and research staff. The programme explored individuals own strengths, the importance of collaboration, how to spot opportunities and how to embark on the complex process of collaboration. Feedback from the course has been extremely positive, and some exciting discussions about collaborative projects are already underway.
One participant reported that "I would now actively look for collaboration in my project. Also I would do the following things differently; management of project, building effective research time, application for funding, dealing with difficult people in my group, collaboration with in and outside of university."
The course will be held again later in the year, with more details to follow.