Hi Laura

I don't remember how SPM2 did this but if you specify an effects of interest F contrast, with a row for each effect you wish to plot and a 1 for that effect column, you can then plot it as you describe in SPM8

I hope this helps

- Alexa

On 15 April 2011 11:17, Laura Zapparoli <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hallo SPM experts

I am having difficulties in plotting the effects of interest of conditions
in a 2nd level one-way anova

In SPM2 in  the contrast estimates and 90% CI there was an entry called
effects of interest that rendered an histogram with the response of the various conditions

At the time being I am getting only the response for individual conditions

How can I get the same info?

Many thanks

Dr. Alexa Morcom
RCUK Academic Fellow
Centre for Cognitive & Neural Systems/ Centre for Cognitive Ageing & Cognitive Epidemiology
Psychology, University of Edinburgh

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