

Does anyone know whether the Wycliffites made any connection between England and Jerusalem?  The Wife of Bath had been there (thrice!), but I don't see anything in the Canterbury Pilgrimage making the connection.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Barbara Brumbaugh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Florence Sandler (for example) discusses the use of Exodus typology in
the Henrician era:  "Inevitably, Britain's extricating herself from the
papal authority and discovering autonomy within her own land found its
Biblical analogy in Israel's Exodus from Egypt and entry into the
Promised Land" (157).  Her essay, "The Faerie Queene:  an Elizabethan
Apocalypse,"  appears in the collection, The Apocalypse in English
Reformation Thought and Literature," which was edited by Patrides and

>>> Peter Herman <[log in to unmask]> 04/22/11 12:15 PM >>>

Does anybody know when the trope of England as Israel (common during the
Elizabethan era, especially after the Armada) began?

Thanks in advance,

Peter C. Herman