

Dear All,

One of the things we can do on this email list is to share examples of reviews with each other. I know that many of the reviews that you have all completed are freely available on line but some are not. By making them available in their full text form, I hope that we can share, read and learn from them.

I have uploaded Ray Pawson's 'Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns The Predicament of Evidence-Based Policy' - parts of which he presented at the Advancing Realist Research Conference on 25th March.

If you would like me to upload any reviews that you have undertaken but are not freely available on line in full text do please email me and I'd be delighted to upload it.


PS: To find the examples of reviews, click on 'JISCMail Tools' then 'Files area' and finally 'Examples_of_reviews'