


I was appalled to hear that an organisation that does so much to support the roots of Poetry in 
the United Kingdom as Arc Publications is endangered by Arts Council funding decisions.

Arc is one of the mainstays of poetry publication in this country and is one of only a few that 
bring translations of foreign authors to the UK public.

As a small publisher myself I know how difficult it is to break even financially in the poetry 
publishing world, and I have the benefit of unpaid voluntary help. Many of my authors and my 
editorial staff have expressed their dismay at the recent cuts made by the Arts Council and the 
seemingly unwarranted increases given to organisations that do not deserve the support being 
given in the new round of grants.

I wish to protest at the removal of grant facilities from Arc Publications in the strongest 
possible terms.

Roger Collett
Managing Editor
Arrowhead Press
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality."
Jules de Gaultier