

CIM11: Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology 2011
Glasgow Scotland, August 30, 2011 – September 3, 2011
Convenors: Science and Music Research Group, Glasgow University
School of Engineering and Computing, Glasgow Caledonian University

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: Friday April 15, 2011

Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website
The text must be in English.

As the contrasting approaches and methods of sciences, humanities and  
arts continue to interpenetrate and cross-fertilize, musicologists  
have been posing new questions about the culture, history, physics,  
biology, psychology and sociology of music performance. CIM11 will  
provide a unique opportunity for music performance researchers to  
achieve new trans-disciplinary synergies by working together with  
colleagues with contrasting epistemological backgrounds.

The CIM series involves all musicological sub-disciplines and  
paradigms (analytical, applied, comparative, cultural, empirical,  
ethnological, historical, popular, scientific, systematic,  
theoretical) and all musically relevant disciplines (acoustics,  
aesthetics, anthropology, archeology, art history and theory,  
biology, composition, computing, cultural studies, economics,  
education, ethnology, gender studies, history, linguistics, literary  
studies, mathematics, medicine, music theory and analysis,  
neurosciences, perception, performance, philosophy, physiology,  
prehistory, psychoacoustics, psychology, religious studies). For  
further information see

Each submission must have at least two authors who represent two of  
the following three broad areas:
     * Humanities such as aesthetics, anthropology, archeology, art  
history and theory, cultural studies, ethnology, linguistics,  
literary studies, music history, ethnomusicology, cultural studies,  
prehistory, theoretical sociology, philosophy, semiotics, sociology  
and music theory/analysis
     * Sciences such as acoustics, biology, computing, linguistics,  
mathematics, perception, psychoacoustics, empirical psychology and  
sociology, physiology, statistics and computer science
     * Practically oriented disciplines including performance,  
composition, education, engineering, medicine and therapy

All abstract submissions to CIM11 must address an issue in music  
performance, e.g.:
     * Physical, biological, psychological and cultural constraints  
on performance
     * Creativity: composition, interpretation, improvisation,  
     * Movement, gesture, dance, corporality, sexuality, gender
     * Performance skills and their acquisition
     * Timing and intonation
     * Practice, rehearsal, ensemble, conducting
     * Measurement, analysis and interpretation of performance  
     * Coping with performance situations, interactions, injuries
     * Performance on specific instruments including the voice
     * Electronic performance interfaces and environments
     * Comparisons across musical styles, genres, cultures
     * Sociology, politics and economics of performers and performance will be noted ( that CIM11 is  
being held concurrently with two other conferences:
The Anatomy of Listening (sponsored by the Royal Society of  
Edinburgh) and
The Workshop on International Cross-Disciplinary Research  
Collaboration in Science and Music (sponsored by Universitas 21)