

On 19 Apr 2011, at 10:42, Alex Fenlon wrote:

> Hi,
> Surely by imposing a specific format of resources on people you are reducing the amount of resources available and therefore placing artificial restrictions on what OERs are?  The joy of openness is anyone can release anything and third parties can create a version is a new format, provided they follow the licence terms.
> I don’t think we should be dictating what formats should or should not be used.

Well, you have put your finger on one reason why effective tagging of content is so important. Tagging of content objects with high-quality vocabularies makes the format more or less irrelevant. Develop and publish your content in whatever format you want - your tags will effectively describe your content's purpose, scope, topics of interest, audience, status (and even format!). Your content is an object that is wrapped in an articulate layer of description, and you use that description for sharing and discovery.

Ian Piper
Tellura Information Services - the web, document and information people
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Author of "Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development", Apress, December 2009
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