

Please see work on maternity below
Jane Sandall
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From: The King's Fund library <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 15:31:32 
To: Sandall, Jane<[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Health Management and Policy Alert

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Health Management and Policy Alert

Welcome to the new-look health management and policy alert, now provided by The King’s Fund Information and Library Service. The alert will continue to be a free service which will be sent out twice-weekly, on a Tuesday and Friday. If you have any colleagues who are interested in signing up to this news alert, they can do so by emailing [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. This news alert is also available as an RSS feed<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/blog>.

Care Quality Commission

Count me in 2010
This report presents the results of the 2010 national census of inpatients and patients on supervised community treatment in mental health and learning disability services in England and Wales. It calls for organisations outside of the healthcare sector to help improve mental health and wellbeing among black and ethnic minority people.

 *   Report<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/cqc>
 *   Press release<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/cqc2>

Department of Health

NHS emergency planning guidance: planning for the management of burn-injured patients in the event of a major incident: interim strategic national guidance
This publication gives best practice guidance to NHS organisations in planning, preparing and responding to incidents and emergencies that give rise to burn injuries regardless of cause, source or nature. This includes chemical, biological and radiological incidents. The principles apply regardless of the number of patients being treated and covers both adults and children.

 *   Guidance<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov15>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov10>

Working together for a stronger NHS
This document provides an overview to the proposed NHS reforms and explains how the public can get involved in the process.

 *   Leaflet<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov16>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov11>

Customer insight work on maternity and early years
This report is a synthesis of three pieces of qualitative about the experience of expectant and new parents. The three projects explored how parents feel about the pregnancy and parenthood journeys and their expectations of the health service.

 *   Report (PDF)<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov27>
 *   Report (PowerPoint slides)<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov26>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov12>

Developing relativities, costs and prices for the maternity Payment by Results (PbR) pathway project
This letter offers additional information on the maternity PbR pathway project and asks for volunteer organisations to get involved in the costing and pricing phase of the project.

 *   Letter<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov14>
 *   Department of Health - letters and circulars<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov6>

Manual for Cancer Services
Following a consultation period, the final version of measures for the Manual for Cancer Services have been published. A Dear Colleague letter on the publication of these measures is also available.

 *   Acute oncology - including metatastic spinal cord compression measures<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov24>
 *   Acute oncology measures: action three template<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov28>
 *   Acute oncology measures - Dear Colleague letter<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov22>
 *   Original consultation<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov7>
 *   Network service user partnership group measures<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov25>
 *   Network service user partnership group measures - Dear Colleague letter<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov23>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov8>

Funding for 2011/12 substance misuse services
This letter confirms funding allocations for substance misuse services in adult prisons and services for children held in custody in England for 2011/12. The Department of Health became responsible for these services in April 2011.

 *   Letter<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov19>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov5>
 *   Letter<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov20>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov4>

The public health national support teams 2006-11
This workbook was developed by the Support Teams with 70 local authorities covering populations in England. Local areas could use this approach when analysing whether a population level improvement could be achieved from a set of best-practice and established interventions. This is offered as a useful resource for commissioners; use is not mandatory.

 *   Workbook<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov17>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov9>

Statement of financial entitlements (amendment) directions 2011
The statement of financial entitlements (amendment) directions 2011 came into force on 1 April 2011. These amending directions are the latest in a series of changes made to the statement of financial entitlements published in April 2005. The primary purpose of the amendment is to implement changes in the fee levels in the GMS statement of financial entitlements effective from 1 April 2011.

 *   Legislation<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov18>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov2>

The primary medical services (directed enhanced services) (England) (Amendment) directions 2011
The primary medical services (directed enhanced services) (England) (Amendment) directions 2011 (the DES Directions) came into effect from 1st April 2011 and amend the 2010 DES directions.

 *   Legislation<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov21>
 *   Department of Health - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov3>

Royal College of Nursing

Freedom of Information report on waste management
This report is the result of a Freedom of Information request on waste management in the NHS between 2008-2010. It reveals that the NHS could potentially save up to £5.5 million a year if healthcare organisations improve the way that they dispose of waste.

 *   Report<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/rcn>
 *   Press release<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/rcn2>

Friends of the Earth

The health costs of cold dwellings
This report considers the number of residences in England where the energy rating is considered poor. The associated estimated cost to the NHS of poor health as a result of these properties is calculated to be £192 million, £35 million of which comes from the private rented sector.

 *   Report<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/foe2>
 *   Press release<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/foe>

NHS London

Children’s and young people’s project - London’s specialised children’s services: guide for commissioners
This guidance proposes changes which would help to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience for children and young people through increased joint working and collaboration across London. The review into specialised children’s services found that although London benefits from the work of nationally and internationally recognised experts, a lack of planned care is failing those who are using these services.

 *   Report<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/londonhp>
 *   Press release<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/mynhsalert>

Mental Health Foundation

Need 2 know: measuring wellbeing
This briefing provides a basic 'need to know' introduction to measuring wellbeing. It looks at various definitions of wellbeing, summarises previous work on measuring wellbeing across the UK, and sets out the potential benefits of creating authoritative wellbeing indicators.

 *   Briefing<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/mentalheal>
 *   Mental Health Foundation - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/mentalhea2>

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Hospital inpatient waste identification tool
This tool provides a systematic method for frontline staff, financial staff and leaders to identify clinical and operational waste and subsequently prioritise and implement waste reduction initiatives that will result in cost savings for the organization.

 *   Tool<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/ihi2>
 *   Institute for Healthcare Improvement - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/ihi>

The Health Foundation

Snapshot: Co-creating health
This paper provides an overview of The Health Foundation’s Co-Creating Health programme and a list of the sites involved. It also outlines the importance of supporting self-management for patients with long-term conditions.

 *   Paper<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/health>
 *   The Health Foundation - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/health2>

Alcohol Concern

Reducing underage alcohol harm in accident and emergency settings
This briefing paper outlines simple steps that A&E departments can take to identify 'at risk' young drinkers and provide access to appropriate early interventions at times when they are more receptive to advice.

 *   Briefing paper<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/alcoholco2>
 *   Alcohol Concern - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/alcoholco3>


Paying for long term care
This publication has been published in conjunction with Reform’s summit on long term care. It contains a transcript of presentation and questions and answers; an agenda of the event; and a booklet containing short think pieces.

 *   Document<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/reform>
 *   Reform - news<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/reform2>

Dr Foster Intelligence

The GP practice index - second edition: exploring variation in COPD care and cost
The aim of this baseline analysis is to highlight the variation between PCTs from a national perspective. Where there is a large proportion of GP practices with higher than expected rates of non-elective admissions, the authors recommend an in-depth analysis of these figures to further explore and understand high rates of admissions, local variations, and how this compares with their rates of QOF-registered COPD patients.

 *   Publication<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/drfosteri2>
 *   Dr Foster Intelligence - news<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/drfosterin>

National End of Life Care Programme

Guidance for staff responsible for care after death (last offices)
This guidance is intended to aid training and development for organisational protocols for this area of care. It also aims to provide a consistent view that accommodates England’s diverse religious and multicultural beliefs.

 *   Guidance<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/endoflifec>
 *   National End of Life Care Programme - publications<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/endoflife2>

Office of Health Economics

Incorporating multiple criteria in health technology assessment: methods and processes
Decision makers need to consider multiple criteria when considering what a health care system should pay for, or how much it should pay. Issues to consider would include: health gain; quality of patient experience; impacts on social equity and wider social considerations; and the quality of the evidence base. This publication discusses how that might be done via a range of multi-criteria decision analysis methods and provides examples from current practice in the UK and internationally.

 *   Publication<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/ohe2>
 *   Office of Health Economics - news<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/ohe3>

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

NICE quality standard consultation: breast cancer
NICE are now inviting comments in their consultation on the draft quality standard for the management of patients with early, locally advanced and advanced breast cancer. NICE quality standards aim to help commissioners, healthcare and service providers deliver the best levels of quality, evidence-based patient care. This consultation will close on Wednesday 4th May 2011.

 *    Draft quality standard<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/nice2>
 *   Comments form<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/nice3>
 *   NICE - quality standards<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/nice>

NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

Measurement for quality and cost case studies
NHS organisations were asked to submit examples of how they had used measurement effectively and some of these case studies have now been published.

 *   Case studies<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/institute>

Equality and Human Rights Commission

Equality act guidance
A new equality act came into force in October 2010 and this guidance document helps to explain the legislation and provide practical examples on how the law has changed.

 *   Guidance<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/equalityhu>


 *   NHS diagnostics waiting times and activities - February 2011<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/dhgov13>
 *   Mandatory surveillance of MRSA bacteraemia and clostridium difficile - including MSSA bacteraemia - February 2010 to February 2011<$KDB8aKheC0T173Qa/hpa2>

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