

Dear All


Geoff Wain (who ran the PopMaths Roadshow in 1990) and Margaret Brown of
Kings College London have formed a small group that aims to set up a
permanent "Mathematics Museum" in the UK -though the word museum has the
wrong connotations, better to think of it as something highly interactive
that will attract all age groups, more along the lines of the old
"Exploratory" in Bristol.


The USA has set a precedent, with its travelling exhibition that's due to
become a permanent "museum" in New York


Projects like this need substantial funding, and only succeed if there is a
core group of individuals who are passionate about the idea and committed to
driving it forward.  I suggested to Geoff that those individuals might be
found within the Maths Prom list. If you want to help bring about a UK Maths
Museum/Exploratory , can you email Geoff Wain to express interest.
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Rob E.