

Dear  colleagues,

I have found material relating to induction activities for International students in this archive and trawled (UK) Library websites and viewed web pages created for international students but wondered if anybody/their Library service has produced a leaflet for international students which they distrubute within the Library (e.g. at a temporary help point - see below), but don't make available on their website?

Also ...

We are planning to create a temporary 'help' point in the Library's foyer which can be accessed by International students prior to arrival of home students.  Any experiences of this or similar activities (including any tips for signage) would be welcome as this is something new for us.

I am happy to summarise for the list.

With thanks in anticipation!


Rachel Gick

Dr Rachel Gick
Liaison Librarian (Health)
University Library
Keele University

Tel: (01782 7) 33480
E-mail: [log in to unmask]