Upon reading all those interesting arguments from the hi-tech front, I actually get very envious when imagining all things possible. Then, however, it appears to me that all this is being done when the weather is nice. What do you do when the weather is not so nice, i.e. it's raining or even snowing? Sure, when it's really nasty, you either do not go out at all, or seek shelter until it brightens up. But if it starts to rain moderately midway on a traverse, what then? You can not simple wait for the rain to stop. I pull out my trusty Rite-in-the-Rain notebook (bright yellow, so I can easily find it when I occaisionally leave it behind!) and can take my notes (and sketches, when the light is bad for taking photos) even during stronger rainfall, and still be able to read them afterwards. Also, my Freiberger compass does not mind water.

Admittedly, not everyone works under these conditions. But this is not Antarctica or the Yukon, but right in the middle of Europe. In the Pyrenees I stay at campgrounds when not in the mountains or in mountain cabins (réfuges), where it may not always be possible to lock away more expensive larger equipment. In the mountains, bad weather may come up frequently (and go away as quickly, fortunately). So, I am trying to think about the weather in Scotland, which is probably much wetter than in the Pyrenees. How do you handle rain with the field computers?

I'd be interested to hear what the digital users have to say....


Dr. Jochen Mezger
Lehrbeauftragter - Lecturer                       
Allgemeine Geologie

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg      Tel.: 49-0-345-5526120
Institut für Geowissenschaften                    Fax: 49-0-345-5527220            
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 3
06120 Halle                                Email: [log in to unmask]
