

Dear Hannah,

> I have yet another question about FNIRT, this time about the cnf file. I would like to use one of the configuration files you provide. However, since I need a 1mm instead of 2 mm template brain, I was wondering, if I could just change that part in the configure file, or if then, all the other set parameters would not work anymore?

why do you need a 1mm template? That is a quite high resolution to perform your 2nd level analysis in given that the resolution of your fMRI data is typically ~3mm or so.

The, slightly sad, truth is that changing to a 1mm template does change some other things. Luckily the changes are quite subtle and you would get away with just changing the line 


You will then also need to specify your own mask in the space of your template by including


where the mask should be in the space of your template and have one everywhere where there is brain and zero elsewhere.

Good Luck Jesper