

Hi Eva,

If you only want to run post-stats then the input file is only used to supply melodic with the image which is used as the background image. Therefore, just use the background image in the .gica folder and things should be fine (or use the MNI template if that is what you want to use as the bg)

melodic -i ${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm --ICs=melodic_IC --mix=melodic_mix [other options]

should do the trick. Just make sure that the input file has the same spatial resolution as the component file (e.g. if you downsampled to 4mm isotropic you need to use a 4mm iso template brain or upsample melodic_IC to 2mm isotropic resolution).

On 13 Apr 2011, at 15:45, Eva Palacios wrote:

> Hello,
> we would like to run only the post-stats part of a melodic analysis, using a set of already obtained ICs. Is it possible to run mixture modelling on this maps indicating a Subjects design and Subjects contrast matrices? We have tried already this option and it seems that melodic is concatenating timeseries of all the subjects, we used this command:
> melodic -i .filelist - -ICs=groupmelodic.ica/melodic_IC.nii.gz - -mix=groupmelodic.ica/melodic_mix --Sdes=../design.mat --Scon=../design.con --report -o outdir -a tica -v
> When doing the standard procedure (putting Sdes inside Melodic GUI) we realized that spatial maps of the components are slightly different between analyses.
> thank you
> Eva