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We have one more place available on our panel at this year's ASA 
conference. Please submit your paper proposals as soon as possible. The 
final ASA deadline is 29 April.

PANEL CALL FOR PAPERS: 2011 ASA Conference, to be held at the University of 
Wales Trinity St David, 13-16 September 2011.

Exhuming the 'big picture', burying fish, cats and falcons: limits to the 
agency of non-living things


This panel explores the historical and habitual 'backgrounding' of animals 
and other non-human biological forms in anthropology. Are epistemologies 
which emphasise human agency really challenged by the emergence of a 
'flattening' approach? Is it possible to pay too much attention to fauna 
and flora?


The poet W. H. Auden observes 'dreadful' events happening in

"...some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree."

Theorists like Latour and Callon have advocated 'flattening' the social 
field, in order to better account for the heterogeneity of the various 
actors involved. Doing so, they have provided frameworks within which the 
agency of non-human entities, including other living things, can be 
foregrounded. However, flatteners betray a 'microphiliac' tendency to 
elevate the agency of inconsequential entities, while underplaying the 
effectivity of what is dismissed as 'the big picture' (Latour 2005). This 
panel will explore the possibility of exhuming the 'big picture'.

For the social flatteners, agentic entities have to be tangible and 
observable. Like a nominalist, who regards 'the acceptance of abstract 
entities as a kind of superstition or myth' (Carnap 1992), Latour attacks 
the very ontological category of the abstract, 'stuck in the mythical 
belief of another world behind the real world.' (Latour 2005) In our 
anthropological experience, however, the huge and abstract, like God and 
The Economy, have been more important than the small and tangible, like the 
fish, cats and falcons we encountered in the field. This panel seeks to 
juxtapose such formidable master-narratives and non-humans, to frame the 
prominence that ought properly to be given to non-human agency.

Michal Murawski (University of Cambridge)
Dominic Martin (University of Cambridge)

Discussant: Hayder Al-Mohammad (University of Kent)

Please submit your papers for our panel by 29 April via this link:

You can email us at:
[log in to unmask] (Michal Murawski)
[log in to unmask] (Dominic Martin)

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