

Dear SPMers, 

I have a strange dicom to nifti conversion issue. When I load our epi and t1 images (converted from dicom to nifti) and the spm epi-template and the single_subject T1 our images are shifted forward. That means if I use the reorient function I have to shift our images 55mm backwards (forward = -55mm) to match the templates. 

I already tried two different dicom2nifti conversion applications (mriconvert & mricron) – images remained shifted. 

My questions: 

1.	For the present study
If I reorient the raw-nifti-images using the reorient function (like described above) & write out the re-oriented images: would it be reasonable to use the reoriented images for the further analyses? 

2.	For future studies
What might have caused the forward shift in our images? 

Thanks & kind regards, 
