

Hello all,

I aim to have normalised data of fMRI resting state and wonder if the step already done are correct and how to apply normalisation.

1/ DICOM import for EPI, fieldmap and T1 sequences
2/ Fieldmap (presubstracted phase and magnitude data) to write unwarped epi and match the anatomical sequence
3/ Realign and unwarp with the vdm file and EPI files
4/ Slicetiming with EPI realigned and unwarped resting state files and first file for reference slice
5/ Coregistration (estimate and reslice) with EPI realigned and unwarped and T1 sequences
6/ New segment of T1 to generate "rc*"files and import on DARTEL
all these steps for 15 subjects successively, then
7/ "create template" on DARTEL with grey, white matter and CSF for the 15 subjects
8/ Normalise to MNI space, with the 6th template, according to few subjects

Are these steps in the correct order and will it be suitable to have normalised fMRI resting state data?
I doubt for the moment to process the slice timing step in particulary
Thank you in advance
