

Dear whom it may concern,
I am Sunyoung Bu, a graduate student in Bio-statistics department of Univ. of North carolina with Dr. Young Truong in biostat dept. and am writing to seek for your help regarding SPM-estimation.
Now, I am working on the SPM, and want to see how it works using arbitrary 2D rectangular image( 2D in space and 1 time dimension. However, I've got an error message - "No inmask voxels -empty analysis".
Should I use the brain image to see how SPM works?
OR is there anything I missed?
At the first time, I tried to extract some parts of codes ( in "spm_spm", "spm_hrf", etc) to calculate "T-values" of each voxel, but it didn't work. Honestly I have no idea what I missed. That's why I used directly the rectangular image to trace SPM'work. I should know how I can calculate "T-value" as the same way SPM does.
I look forward to hearing good news or comments from you.
Thank you for cosideration in advance.
Sunyoung Bu