Call for Papers - OR Society conference OR53


The 53rd annual Operational Society conference is being held at Nottingham University on 6-8 September 2011.


The OR & Strategy stream

The OR & Strategy stream welcomes papers of both a practical and theoretical nature.  In particular we invite papers describing the current practice of supporting strategy within organizations and papers describing the development and application of operational research and other methods to supporting strategy.  In addition we invite presentations describing challenging strategic issues / situations that may be tackled using operational research and other methods.


Interested in presenting a paper?

You do not have to produce a written paper for the conference - a ‘paper’ at the conference means approximately 20 minutes for a presentation plus 5 minutes for questions/discussion.  If you have some ideas and would like to try them out on someone before committing to a paper, please feel free to contact the organisers of this stream (details below).


Abstract Submission Instructions

You may submit your abstract on-line via the OR Society’s website at: -look in the Conferences section, under OR53.  Here you can enter your details and specify which stream you wish to join (our stream is called ‘OR & Strategy’).  The Society will then notify us, the organisers, that your paper has been added to the stream.



We look forward to meeting you in September.


Frances O’Brien & Martin Kunc

Warwick Business School



Frances O'Brien FORS
Associate Professor
Director, BSc International Business

Book - Supporting strategy:

ORMS Group
Warwick Business School
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL,  UK

Telephone   +44 (0)2476 522095
Fax               +44 (0)2476 524539

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