

I'm currently trying to gather information about whether other JobShops on NASES are likely to be affected by the forthcoming implementation of the AWR 2011, and if so, how?  Our JobShop service sits within the Careers/University (as opposed to the SU), and temporarily contracts student employees on behalf of the Personnel department.  

From the AWR 2010 it states a Temporary Work Agency as "supplying individuals to work temporarily for and under the supervision and direction of hirers".  As such, we're looking at how the new AWR might impact on our work.

Any views from members of NASES would be very appreciated.

Kind regards

Lakmini Campbell │Graduate Recruitment & JobShop Manager │Guidance & Employability Team
Direct Line: 020 8331 8617 │Direct Fax: 020 8331 8116 │E-mail: [log in to unmask]
University of Greenwich, Queen Mary 110, Park Row, London SE10 9LS