

Just type featquery into the command line to get its usage (see below). You might also find Jeanette Mumford's write up about Featquery useful (


Usage: featquery <N_featdirs> <featdir1> ... <N_stats> <stats1> ... <outputrootname> [-a <atlas>] [-p] [-t <thresh>] [-i <interp_thresh>] [-s] [-w] [-b] <mask> [-vox <X> <Y> <Z>]

-a : use selected atlas to generate label (etc.) information
-p : convert PE / COPE values into %
-t : threshold stats images
-i : affect size of resampled masks by changing post-interpolation thresholding (default 0.5)
-s : create time-series plots
-w : do not binarise mask (allow weighting)
-b : popup results in browser when finished
<mask> is necessary even if using co-ordinates, because a co-ordinate frame is needed to refer the co-ordinates to; if it is a relative filename (ie doesn't start with "/") it will be looked for inside each FEAT directory
-vox can be replaced with -mm

On Mar 9, 2011, at 2:28 PM, Jodi Gilman wrote:

> Thank you!
> Mark, is there a way to do that using the command line instead of the GUI?
> Jodi