

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your quick reply. Looking at the shift map in fslview, it does look like most of the voxels were only shifted by 1 or two voxels (I also confirmed by looking at the mean shift using fslstats). However, around the frontal pole/ medial prefrontal cortex, the shift ranges from 15 to 20 voxels. I have attached a screenshot from fslview that shows this (min .0001, max 15). Also I realized that I forgot to mention in my last message that I unwarping a DTI acquisition. I am not sure how relevant this is, but I thought I should mention it.

As for the commands I am running to warp my mask I have tried the following:

applywarp -i EF_D_example_func_mask -r EF_D_example_func_mask -o EF_UD_example_func_mask -w EF_UD_warp --interp=nn


applywarp -i EF_D_example_func_mask -r EF_D_example_func_mask -o EF_UD_example_func_mask -w EF_UD_warp --interp=trilinear. 

Thanks again for all you help.

- Tyler