

Hello Eugene and FSL experts,

I am sorry that I insist but in the Filippini paper, specifically in the Materials and Methods section you can read the following:

Filippini et. al.
"(ii) using these time-course matrices in a linear model fit (temporal regression) against the associated fMRI data set to estimate subject-specific spatial maps. Finally, the different component maps are collected across subjects into single 4D files (1 per original ICA map, with the fourth dimension being subject identification) and tested voxel-wise for statistically significant differences between groups using nonparametric permutation testing (5,000 permutations) (55). This results in spatial maps characterizing the between-subject/group differences.

These maps were thresholded using an alternative hypothesis test based on fitting a Gaussian/gamma mixture model to the distribution of voxel intensities within spatial maps (see ref. 31 for further details) and controlling the local false-discovery rate at P < 0.05"

Now I am confused because after read that description my understanding is that after he used the dual regression analysis followed by randomise,   he thresholded the statistical maps from randomise using the gaussian/gamma mixture model. I believe that also since professor Christian F. Beckmann agreed with that in the post previously mentioned ( A2=ind1009&L=FSL&P=R17502&1=FSL&9=A&I=3&J=on&X=565E91456B012C3733&

That is why I greatly appreciate if somebody would please help me with my previous questions or clarify this concern  to me 

Thank you so much in advance


From: Eugene Duff <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [FSL] GGMM
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 1:53 PM

Hi Lorena - 

On 16 March 2011 17:56, Lorena Jimenez <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear FSL experts,

 We ran MELODIC on our resting state data using multi-session temporal concatenation followed by dual regression analysis including randomise.
We had conducted an unpaired t-test in randomise comparing two groups (16 controls versus 16 patients).
1.000000e+00 -1.000000e+00
-1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00

Now we would like to threshold the statistics maps from randomise using Gaussian gamma mixture model as was done by Nicola Filippini  “Distinct patterns of brain activity in young carriers of the APOE-��4 allele”
I have being trying to figure out how to apply that threshold but I could not find a solution and the only one post that I found in the archives on this topic does not have answer for its last question. (

There seems to be confusion on the method of thresholding used in that paper (it is unclear in the paper).  GGMM was NOT used to threshold the dual-regression results, only to represent the original IC maps (where thresholding is primarily for interpretation as these maps are not testing an experimental hypothesis).  Standard randomise voxelwise thresholding was used.  I don't think TFCE was used, but this is an option.  GGMM doesn't really make sense as a formal statistical test in this context.



My guess is that I have to apply the following steps:

1) To convert the tstast maps from randomise to zmaps we can use the following commands righ?:

 fslmaths dr_stage3_ic00*_tstat1.nii.gz  -mul 0 -add 1 grot.nii
 ttoz grot.nii dr_stage3_ic00*_tstat1.nii.g  <dof>

Where DOFs are the number of the subjects included in the analysis minus the number of  explanatory variable (EVs) in my design, Is that right?

2) After that we would get the zstat1 map and I know I have apply GGMM using the second type of usage of melodic but I am not sure how to set up melodic. I was thinking we would run melodic as I described below:

melodic –i bg_image (dummy option)  --ICs=4d_zmaps_from_randomise_tstat1_or_tstat2 --mix=melodic_mix_33X32.txt (dummy mixing matrix) -o outputname -v --report –Ostats

If not, Could you please explain to me how to set up melodic?
 Do I have  to use a design matrix and a design contrast options in melodic, if so What are the designs and the "tstat images" (4d_zmaps_from_randomise: tstat1_and_tstat2 or tstat3 and Tstat4) that I have to use?

3) once when we have the zstat1 maps thresholded, Can we apply the following command?

fslmaths thresh_zstat1.nii -ztop pmap1.nii
obtaining  the uncorrected p images, which can be use as a input in FDR, right???

I know how valuable is your time, I really appreciate any hint on this

Thank you so much in advance
