I wanna do regression analysis between FA map and behavioral data with age and sex as covariaters using randomise. I have two questions to ask.
First, I have designed matrix using GLM.
Group  EV1(behav)  EV2(sex)  EV3(age)
1            3.2                   0             15
1            5.3                   0             18
1            4.2                   1             18
1            5.2                   1             17
1            4.9                   1             17
And the contrast:
EV1   EV2  EV3
1          0        0
I want to know the matrix is correct or not.
Second, does is it need to demean my data  using the parameter ¡®¨CD¡¯ when runing randomise.
Thanks a lot,

Haitao Ge, Ph.D.

Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy
Shandong University School of Medicine
44#, West Wenhua Rd.
Jinan 250012, Shandong

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