

Dear Wim,
thanks a lot for your prompt answer.
Wim Vranken wrote:
> Dear Ada,
> The FormatConverter can definitely handle this situation - it should 
> have asked you to confirm whether each of the HD1/HD2 and HE1/HE2 
> atoms should indeed be treated separately. 
As far as I can see, the question "asked" by the format Converter is not 
whether each of the above atoms should be treated separately, but 
something like: "Resonance '.25HE2 (connected to atoms HE1/HE2) has 
shift value 6.25, but shift value 5.99 also appears possible. Which 
value do you want to use:'
And then, whatever the value chosen (by the way, the third, merged value 
is also proposed), the resulting chemical shift list will contain only 
one HE atom with the corresponding value. You have never the possibility 
to ask for 2 separate values.
> If you did not get that popup, try importing again but click 'No' when 
> you get the popup asking whether you want to run linkResonances with 
> default settings. It works for me!
We tried it as well. However, before arriving to the "run 
linkResonances' step we have had to ask the above questions about "the 
value you want to use", so at the end our list also contains only one 
chemical shift for HE.
Best regards,
> Bye,
> Wim