

Dear Colleagues,


I am sure that this is a perennial question for the planning mail base. Aston is looking to develop a system to manage the academic planning process which does not rely of increasingly complex excel spreadsheets and workbooks that are inefficient and difficult to maintain.

We want a system to interface with our student records system (SITS) and our finance system (AGRESSO)  so that it can be used for student number planning and calculating income – we currently use Business Objects for reporting. We are mindful of the fact that the planning process is going to become even more challenging with the new fee regime and the impetus for more flexible programmes.


Is there anyone out there who feels that their institution has developed /implemented a robust and efficient planning  system which you could recommend to us. We would really appreciate any advice from colleagues who have been through this process recently.


Best wishes




John Walter,

Academic Registrar




B4 7ET

Telephone: 0121 2044869      e-mail:  [log in to unmask]