

We routinely report eGFR on all requests for plasma creatinine from primary care on patients 16y or older. We don't on any others.

The question comes up sometimes in relation to drug dosages for inpatients. I'm sure that some of our clinicians use online calculators. I don't have a problem with that as long as it's a reputable site, and it does have the advantage of being able to use mass, height etc which aren't available for the laboratory-based calculation.


> Acute Kidney Injury: Adding Insult to Injury (2009)
> This NCEPOD report highlights the process of care of patients who died in hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI). It takes a critical look at areas where the care of patients might have been improved. Remediable factors have been identified in the clinical and the organisational care of these patients.

On 17 Mar 2011, at 10:41, Patel Bharat (RWG) West Hertfordshire TR wrote:

> Are there any labs reporting eGFR for inpatients?
> BNF does mention eGRF to adjust dosage on eGFR.
> At the moment we do not report eGFR for inpatients for well known reasons but a number of our drs are calculating (from the NET)  eGFR for their inpatients!
> Would it better for health safety reasons to provide eGFRs for inpatients as it would be more ‘accurate’?
> Many thanks
> Bharat

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