

Just a chore? Is there more
In the friendly review
That responds to the cue
When I send in my script?

Ah yes - resubmit, try again!
Don't give up! Redraft here,
Redraft there, proof read everywhere!
But don't give up - resubmit it and then...

You will know the passion and joy
Seeing knowledge of yours
Shared with others - of course
It's not perfect - but nothing ever is - is it?!

Thanks Brian and apologies to you and other skilled poets!


--- On Mon, 2/14/11, Brian wakeman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Some reflection on varied experiences...........
Audience is Everything.
It might be a chore
But who is this book for?
Lack of clarity here
Will I fear
Lead to editor rejection
And writer dejection. 