

Dear All

Today we have our biweekly all inclusive and fun dteam + sites meeting in EVO. The agenda for the meeting is taking shape here: We may run out of time to cover all topics but we'll see how it goes after the regular items including a look back at the GDB presentations and discussions last week (Pete's snapshot of the meeting is here Note that the MB has asked that glexec be available at the Tier-0/Tier-1s by the end of March and at all Tier-2s by the end of June.

As many of you may know phenoGRID users have encountered many (mainly WMS issues) over the last few months and we need to improve their experience of using the grid so I will discuss with you some general support suggestions that I have (a report is uploaded to the agenda if you would like to read it before the meeting). Next up there seems to be a need to review where we are with the EGI trust anchors as their use has caught many of us by surprise. Finally we'll take another look at the publishing VO shares status and try to resolve any confusion or problems that remain.

For minutes this week I think the order is:  Mingchao -> Graeme -> Kashif -> Mark -> Stuart -> Alessandra -> Daniela -> Duncan.
