Hi all,

I am doing the TF analysis on EEG data and I see some worrisome "spots" in my rescaled TF, which translate as sharp "dips" in the waveform of averaged TF over 12-20Hz when I convert TF into image. I know that these spots could be from the noise (since it is a single subject data), but I am worried that they will influence the statistics.

I have attached the ERP waveform (-200 to 2000ms), its TF representation (4-20Hz, -198-2000ms), rescaled TF (using Log rescaling, baseline=-148 to 0), and the waveform when TF is averaged over 12-20Hz range.

Is it possible that since these dips are random they will not influence the results in the scalp-space considerably? Is there anything I can do to minimize these dips, like lowpass filter the ERP before doing TF?

thanks for your help in advance

- Muhammad