

BBC News : 7th February
Cuts 'destroying big society' concept, says CSV head

Dame Elisabeth Hoodless said she had been excited by the "big society" idea but said there was no "strategic plan".
Dame Elisabeth, who has been director of the Community Service Volunteers charity for 36 years, said ministers had misunderstood the level of responsibility volunteers were willing to take on.
"Once you close a library there is nowhere for a volunteer to help.  Few people want to be responsible for the library. Most people want to feel there's an expert on the premises. They are quite happy to issue and re-shelve the books, but taking the final responsibility is a bit more than most people want to do."

DAILY MAIL : 7th February
Name all town hall staff on £58,000 or over, orders Pickles 

Spending on council middle managers has soared by 20 per cent in the past three years to reach £2.4billion. When Labour came to power in 1997, the average local authority employed just seven workers on more than £50,000 a year.

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