BBC Radio 4 - Call You and Yours - Libraries : 8th February

You and Yours  did an hour-long discussion on libraries featuring Annie Mauger from CILIP, the mayor of Doncaster and a spokesman from the IEA who said at the start that "Books are cheap so that's not a problem for anybody" and that "amateurs can do the job" of librarians.  "Fury doesn't even come close" to the reaction that the public gave to his views that everyone should have a Kindle and that grandmother should be sent SD cards.  The programme was overwhelmed with emails and "Uniquely, they all say the same thing, libraries are not just about books".  People phoning in also seemed very much in support of libraries.  2 out of 700 were in favour of closing libraries.  2.  Out. Of. 700. Listen if you can.  
[This is an extract from 'Public Libraries News