

I want to believe that CILIP is for all of us in the LIS Community. Annie
Mauger was excellent on You and Yours. In standing for CILIP Council I
wanted to promote the value of CILIP representing the combined and powerful
value of the entire library and information community.


The conversation is about those who benefit from imaginative outgoing
services that tackle needs as well as demands in all settings and throughout
life. There is a principle at stake of the library as a free and open place
for learning and growth.


Where school libraries have been threatened for a few years now, others are
following. With apologies and respect to Martin Niemoller and the people he
wrote for [and I hope I'm not breaking copyright!]:


First they came for the school librarian

and I did not speak out 

because I was not a school librarian.

Then they came for the community librarian

and I did not speak out

because I was not a community librarian.

Then they came for the college librarian

and I did not speak out

because I was not a college librarian.

Then they came for the university librarian

and I did not speak out

because I was not a university librarian.

Then they came for the business librarian

and I did not speak out

because I was not a business librarian.

Then they came for the information scientist 

and I did not speak out 

because I was not an information scientist.

Then they came for the LIS teacher

and I did not speak out

because I was not a LIS teacher.

Then they came for me 

and there was no one left

to speak out for me. 



John Dolan OBE, BA, Dip Lib, MCLIP


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