

Apologies for cross posting.  A reminder that there is still time to submit an application for this bursary.


Subject: EAHIL Workshop - Linda Dorrington Bursary


Linda Dorrington Bursary


This bursary is intended to support a presenter (paper or poster) from the UK to attend the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Conference or the EAHIL Workshop. 


It is awarded in memory of one of the founder members of UMSLG (University Medical School Librarians Group) and a committed advocate of medical and health care librarianship in the UK and Europe.


One award of up to £500 to contribute towards attendance and travel expenses at the 2011 EAHIL Workshop will be made in 2011 based on the submission of a completed application.   Preference will be given to first time presenters.


An application form with terms and conditions is below and is also available from the UHMLG Website –  


Applications should be submitted to the UHMLG Committee c/o Donald Mackay [log in to unmask] by Friday 11th March 2011.   Applications will be considered by the UHMLG Committee and the successful applicant will be notified as soon as possible.


Awardees will be expected to present their paper at a subsequent UHMLG meeting.


Donald M Mackay
Head of Health Care Libraries
The Bodleian Health Care Libraries
[log in to unmask]

The Cairns Library
The John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way

01865 221950
01865 220792 (fax)



University Health and Medical Librarians Group (UHMLG)

Linda Dorrington Bursary


In memory of one of the founder members of UMSLG (University Medical School Librarians Group) and a committed advocate of medical and health care librarianship in the UK and Europe, UHMLG are pleased to announce an annual bursary for presenters (paper or poster) from the UK at the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Conference or the EAHIL Workshop.

One award of up to £500 to contribute towards attendance and travel expenses at the EAHIL Workshop will be made in 2011 based on the submission of a completed application.   Preference will be given to first time presenters.


Applications should be submitted to the UHMLG Committee c/o Donald Mackay [log in to unmask] by Friday 11th March 2011.  Applications will be considered by the UHMLG Committee and the successful applicant will be notified by the end of March 2011. 


Awardees will be expected to present their paper at a subsequent UHMLG meeting.

The next EAHIL meeting is the EAHIL Istanbul Workshop Istanbul, Turkey, July 05-08, 2011

The Workshop theme is "Active Learning and Research Partners in Health".

Topics to include:

·         Active learning: its role in health sciences libraries

·         Faculty-librarian instructional partnerships

·         Embedded librarians in course management systems

·         Digital libraries: trends and opportunities for e-learning

·         Active learning in library instruction

·         Assessment and evaluation of a learning/ teaching device

·         Technology enabled active learning

·         Learning space design

·         Evidence-based library and information practice

·         Health informatics

·         New roles of health librarians

·         Information literacy for health professionals

Terms and Criteria


The bursary will be awarded to the individual who in the opinion of the committee has made the strongest application and who has been accepted to present a poster or paper at the EAHIL Workshop or Conference.


Preference will be given to first time paper or poster presenters at EAHIL.


Papers will be given priority over posters.

First time attendees will be given priority over those who have attended an EAHIL meeting in the past.

Employing library of applicant must be an institutional member of UHMLG.

Incomplete application forms will not be considered.

Only one award will be made in each academic year.


Winners will be reimbursed up to £500 in actual travel and conference-related expenses after the conference; expense statements and receipts must be submitted to the UHMLG Treasurer.

A person may receive this bursary only once. 


The successful applicant will be expected to present their paper at a subsequent UHMLG meeting

Applications must be received by
11th March 2011.





Please email a completed copy of this form to [log in to unmask].  All applications must be submitted by email and must be received by the 11th of March 2011.





Job Title                                                                                                                                                                              












UHMLG Institutional Member?  Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)


First time EAHIL presenter?  Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)


First time EAHIL attendee?  Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)


Will you be presenting a paper, a poster, or both?                                           





Paper/Poster Title                                                                                                                                                         



Paper/Poster Abstract :










Personal Statement (200 words maximum).


Please outline why you feel that EAHIL is the appropriate forum at which to present your paper/poster and what benefits you feel that attendance at this conference or workshop would provide to you and your professional development. 









The information supplied on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that misrepresentation may cause denial or withdrawal of the award. I further understand that UHMLG may use my name and photo for publicity in relation to this award.



Signature                                                                                             Date