

Happy New year everyone.


We've just released a new product in our Move for digital mapping. FieldMove
is specifically designed for geologists with all the stuff we do in the
traditional field-slip and notebook. I've been having fun playing with the
pre-release versions in the area where I did my undergraduate mapping and
this old recidivist is totally hooked - not least because you don't have to
keep the paper dry! Back at base in the evening the day's mapping goes
straight into Move with all the 3d visualisation, subsurface and analysis


Academic licences are free for teaching and research. If you are not yet one
of the 200 universities in our ASI program contact [log in to unmask] If you
already include digital mapping in your course we'd like to hear from you. 


This year we are launching a new program for young geo-scientists who
graduate from one of our ASI program universities. This will give them a
personal Move software licence free for 12 months so they can prepare
papers, or presentations to help them get that first job. If they are smart
entrepreneurs they might even earn a bit of money with it! I'll post formal
details of the scheme soon but thought you might all like a heads-up on the





Dr Alan Gibbs


Midland Valley Exploration

144 West George Street


G2 2HG

tel: 44 (0) 141 332 2681

fax: 44 (0) 141 332 6792



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