

Hi Stijn,

When you say that I've already defined my groups in my contrast are you referring to the 92 rows and 3 columns relating to group assignments (design matrix)?   Does that mean I do not need to demean my data because I'm modeling it in the design matrix?

In reference to the 7th contrast Con > Rel, Scz.  We've had issues with this interpretation.  Previously I've run cluster thresholding and then used the mask from that contrast to pull the % signal change at the subject mean level.  Additionally I've tried running my task contrast of interest (let's say A-B) as a group mean and then pulled the % signal change and the subject level.  

Do you have any suggestions about how to compare 3 groups?

Edward H. Patzelt
Research Assistant – TRiCAM Lab
University of Minnesota – Psychology/Psychiatry
VA Medical Center
Office: S355 Elliot Hall - Twin Cities Campus
Phone: 612-626-0072  Email: [log in to unmask]