On 10 Feb 2011, at 10:32, Anna Sayburn wrote:

My passion is to ensure information available to consumers is in line with the best quality medical evidence, so people can make good decisions about their healthcare. 

Then I suggest you contact the pharmaceutical industry and ask to see their unpublished data and results. 

See, for example, the recent Reboxitine fiasco and the associated editorial from Fiona Godlee and Elizabeth Loder.


"The reboxetine story and similar episodes must call into question the entire evidence synthesis enterprise. Meta-analyses are generally considered the best form of evidence, but is that a plausible world view any longer when so many of them are likely to be missing relevant information"

Good luck!

Ronán Conroy
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Associate Professor
Division of Population Health Sciences
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Beaux Lane House
Dublin 2