

Posted on behalf of CHR, and with apologies for cross posting.

*Investing in Better Places: A One Day Conference in Edinburgh*

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CHR would like to invite you to attend a very important conference to be held in Edinburgh, March 22 at the historic Mansfield Traquair.  This is the conference that will connect housing to cities to infrastructure to national agendas. There is no question of the growing importance of cities to national prosperity. Cities need to have the big ideas for their places and they need to be champions, not only of their own places, but of their regions as well.

This conference will gather local and international experts from Australia, Canada and France to examine the importance of investing in places and consider why and how the investments should be made.  It will argue that infrastructure investment should be prominently placed on national agendas.  The conference will provide a gathering place to make new connections, be inspired and perhaps even excited by new ideas. Add your voice to the ringing endorsement for creating better places. Join us at the Mansfield Traquair on March 22.

We have had to charge a small fee to assist with our costs; however, places have been reserved at no cost, for those for whom the fee would create a hardship. Register early as spaces are limited.

To register please click the following link:

Duncan Maclennan

Director, Centre for Housing Research (<>)


Head of School of Geography & Geosciences (<>)

University of St Andrews


Dr. David Manley
Centre for Housing Research
School of Geography and Geosciences
University of St Andrews

Irvine Building, North Street, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AL
Tel: ++44(0)1334 462383, Fax: ++44(0)1334463949, Email: [log in to unmask]<http:[log in to unmask]>

ESRC Seminar Series:                       <>
School of Geography and Geosciences:<>
Centre for Housing Research website:<>

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No SC013532