

Structural Biology of Parasite Proteins

PhD Research Scholarship

(Reference No 5291)

Applications are invited for a PhD position in the laboratory of A/Prof Andreas Hofmann in the Structural Chemistry Program at the Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies, Griffith University, Brisbane.

The subject of this collaborational study with parasitology laboratories at the University of Melbourne and James Cook University are proteins of blood-feeding nematodes which are highly up-regulated and secreted in the invasive stage of parasitism. This exciting study involves discovery of the mechanisms of action of these proteins, as well as their exploitation as therapeutic targets.
The main area of study will involve characterisation of three-dimensional structures of proteins and protein complexes involved in host-pathogen interactions. The project will provide training in molecular biology, protein purification, macromolecular crystallography and protein interaction analysis.

A background in suitable areas of science is required.
Please note, the value of this scholarship is for living expenses in Australia only.

Details about the Structural Chemistry Program can be found at

Dr Andreas Hofmann FHEA
Associate Professor, Program Leader
Structural Chemistry
Eskitis Institute for Cell & Molecular Therapies
Griffith University
N75 Don Young Road, Brisbane Innovation Park
Nathan, Brisbane, Qld 4111, Australia

Telephone/Facsimile: +61-7-3735-4425
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