

'Rheiddiad' fyddai 'radiation' yma, dwi'n meddwl, fel llinellau'n rheiddio.

From: Discussion of Welsh language technical terminology and vocabulary [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of martin davies
Sent: 14 January 2011 17:21
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: adaptive radiation[Spam score: 8%][Scanned]

ym maes bioleg

Dyma ddiffiniad o'r term:
In evolutionary biology, an adaptive radiation is the evolution of ecological and phenotypic diversity within a rapidly multiplying lineage.[1] Starting with a recent single ancestor, this process results in the speciation and phenotypic adaptation of an array of species exhibiting different morphological and physiological traits with which they can exploit a range of divergent environments. [1]

a fyddai pelydriad ymaddasol yn gwneud y tro?
Dw i ddim mor siwr am 'pelydriad'. Unrhyw sylwadau ogydd?