Program Overview


The goals of this program are to integrate students in their research sub-community and to give them a forum to talk to leading researchers in the field about their Ph.D. research. Students participating in the program will be provided scholarships to subsidize travel, conference registration, and housing expenses for ICML 2011. Note that both US and international students are eligible for this program.


A student does NOT need to have an accepted paper at the conference in order to participate in this program. In fact, one of scholarship programs explicit goals is to broaden student participation in the ICML research community. To help students be integrated into the conference, each sponsored students will have a poster on their research. Each paper presented during the daytime technical program will also be presented at a poster session. Students presenting papers at the conference will naturally present posters as part of the normal conference schedule. Students who do not have a paper at the main conference will have their posters integrated into the poster sessions. The poster format encourages the student participants to begin building a rapport with established researchers.  




Applications due: April 26th

Decisions emailed to applicants: May 6th

Receipts due for reimbursement: August 20th


Application process


Students wishing to receive a conference travel scholarship are asked to send in an application with the following:


1.     Fill out the cover sheet located here:

2.     A one-page summary of their research

3.     A curriculum vitae

4.     A letter of recommendation from their thesis adviser, which states their student status and mentions the amount and type of funding available from the home institution. If the research is funded by an organization or agency, the letter should clearly indicate why those funds cannot be used to cover the costs of attending ICML.


Applications (plain text or pdf) should be sent by email to: [log in to unmask]


Students who have questions about this program should contact Jesse Davis, the student scholarship chair, at:  [log in to unmask] [Note, that I am on European Central Time].


Information for award recipients


Students who receive awards should

1)     Mark that they received a registration fee waiver when completing the online registration form for the conference.

2)     Should follow all the regulations attached to award (e.g., some awards will require flying on an US carrier).  Any requirements will be clearly stated in the acceptance email.

3)     Make sure to turn in receipts on time.